Maven Minds offers an end-to-end taxation support for all class of organizations from SMEs to Large Corporates, AOPs and high net worth individuals. Our in-house Taxation Advisory team, that has robust knowledge and expertise in the field of taxation, has proven track records in evaluation of tax exposures, comprehensive tax planning and tax savings methods and formulating tax efficient business models among many other services: 


  • Income Tax Advisory and Compliances
  • Assistance in Monitoring of Withholding Taxes, Tax Audit & Assessment
  • E-filing of Income Tax Return and Withholding Statement
  • Issuance of Income Tax Exemption Certificates
  • Income Tax Refunds
  • Income Tax Appeals
  • Registration for Income Tax and Updating Tax Profile
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution of Tax Disputes
  • Representation before FBR for issuance of ruling / clarifications on specific issue / matter


  • Advisory of Sales Tax on Goods and Services
  • Assistance in Tax Audit, Compliance and Assessment matters
  • E-Filing of Tax returns with FBR, SRB, PRA, BRA & KPRA
  • Handling Tax Refunds, Exemptions and Rebates
  • Contesting Appeals and handling legal disputes
  • Review of Contract / Agreement to make it more efficient in sales tax perceptive
  • Evaluation of Sales Tax Systems
  • Representations before Federal & Provincial Boards for issuance of ruling / clarification
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution of Tax Disputes
  • Handling FBR Maladministration before Tax Ombudsman’s Office